Benefits of Astrology in These Times!
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In this video - Laura Eisenhower and Adam Sanchez talk Astrology and why it is such a powerful and useful tool, especially in these times where we are navigating Ascension energies, Timelines and Disclosure type themes. The beauty of it, is self-knowledge about every aspect of our human existence ~ the elements, DNA, past lives, Multi-dimensions, Ancestral patterns, Health, relationships and so much more!

We are also going to be putting out more material to help people learn how to use it themselves, and learn about how to understand it on a deeper level. It will be $30 dollars per video, but discounted for Subscribers -- so if you are serious about learning astrology, this will be a great thing to sign up for!  This will be something available in 2020 if everything goes according to plan -- maybe even sooner! 

Subscribe on and you will be able to have discounted sessions, Astro reports and you can book times and days sooner than what is in the calendar. 

FREE Benefits of Astrology in These Times! Oct 21, 2019 at 1:08 pm
Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
  • Author: cosmicgaia
  • Category: Education

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